ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

"Polish death camp" controversy

Okay, imagine you and your friend are playing a game with a ball. Your friend accidentally drops the ball and it rolls into your neighbor's yard. So you go and get the ball back from your neighbor's yard, and then you give it back to your friend. But then your friend starts telling everyone that the ball was found in your neighbor's yard, even though you were the one who got the ball back.

Now, this is kind of like what happened with the "Polish Death Camp" controversy. During World War II, there were concentration camps where many people were killed, including a lot of Polish people. These camps were set up by the Nazi regime, which was led by Germany. But sometimes people say "Polish Death Camps" instead of "Nazi Death Camps," which can be confusing and make it sound like Poland was responsible for setting up and running the camps.

Many people in Poland and around the world are upset about this because it's not true. Poland isn't responsible for these camps; it was affected by them like many other countries. So it's important to remember and say that the camps were set up by the Nazis, not the Poles.