ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

9/11 Commission

Okay, imagine you and your friend were playing with toys and someone took your favorite toy away. You would want to know who took it and why, right? Well, something similar happened on September 11, 2001.

There were some really bad people who did something very, very wrong. They crashed airplanes into big buildings in New York City. This made a lot of people very sad and scared. It was a very big problem and many people wanted to find out why it happened and how they can make sure something like this big problem never happens again.

So, the grown-ups made a group called the 9/11 Commission. The Commission was like detectives for the whole country. Their job was to look into what happened on that day and find out all the details. They wanted to know who did it, how they did it, and why they did it.

Lots of smart people were a part of this Commission. They asked questions to lots of different people, like the government people who were in charge, the police and firefighters who helped after it happened, and even the families of the people who were hurt or killed in the big problem. They wanted to hear from everyone who knew something about what happened.

The people in the Commission worked very hard to put all the puzzle pieces together. They studied the evidence, looked at pictures and videos, and listened very carefully to what everyone was saying. They wanted to make sure they had all the information so they could figure out how to fix things and keep everyone safe in the future.

After many months, the Commission finished their work and wrote a big report. This report had all the important information they found, and they shared it with everyone. They explained what happened on that day, who was responsible, and what can be done to prevent something like this from happening again.

The 9/11 Commission was very important because it helped people understand what happened and why. It also gave suggestions on how to make things better so that everyone can be safe. The grown-ups used this information to change some of the rules and make sure that everyone is working together to keep the country safe from bad people.

So, just like when someone takes away your favorite toy and you and your friend work together to find out who did it, the 9/11 Commission was a group of very smart grown-ups who worked together to find out what happened on that sad day and make sure nothing like that happens again.