ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

A Colossal Failure of Common Sense

Alright, kiddo, let's talk about a big mistake that some people made. Do you know what "common sense" means? It means using our brains to make good choices and avoid things that could harm us or others.

But sometimes, even grown-ups with lots of experience can make mistakes. And when those mistakes are really big, we call them "colossal failures."

So, this "colossal failure of common sense" is talking about a time when some people made a really big mistake because they didn't use their common sense. Maybe they were trying to do something too quickly or didn't think about all the consequences of their actions.

It's like when you're building a tower out of blocks, and you don't make sure the bottom ones are stable before adding more on top. Eventually, the whole thing falls down and it's a big mess.

That's what happened with this colossal failure. People didn't think things through all the way, and it caused big problems. Hopefully, they learned from their mistakes and won't make the same one again in the future!