ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Abraham Gancwajch

Abraham Gancwajch is a person who lived a long time ago and did some very brave things. He was Jewish, which means that he followed a religion that believed in one God and had some special rules. Unfortunately, during that time, some people did not like Jewish people and tried to hurt them.

Abraham Gancwajch lived in a place called Poland, and during World War II, a group called the Nazis took over. The Nazis were very mean to Jewish people and put them in concentration camps where they were treated very badly.

But Abraham Gancwajch was very brave, and he wanted to help his fellow Jewish people. He joined a group called the Resistance, which was made up of people who wanted to fight back against the Nazis and help the Jewish people.

Together, Abraham Gancwajch and his friends helped Jewish people escape from the concentration camps, smuggled food and medicine to the people who were hiding in the woods, and even blew up a Nazi train that was carrying weapons.

Because of his bravery, Abraham Gancwajch saved many Jewish lives. However, being a hero is not easy, and the Nazis eventually found him and killed him. But his memory lives on, and he is remembered as a hero who did all he could to help others.