ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Abstract photography

Hey kiddo! Do you know what photography is? It's when we take pictures using a camera. Cool, right?

Now, let me tell you about a type of photography called abstract photography. This kind of photography is different from other types of photography, like portrait or landscape photography. Instead of taking pictures of things that we can see in real life, abstract photography is all about taking pictures of things that are not immediately recognizable.

Let me give you an example: have you ever looked at a picture and had a hard time figuring out what it was showing you? That's what abstract photography is all about! Sometimes, the pictures might be blurry, or they might only show a small part of an object, or maybe they'll use colors and shapes in a way that's not how we normally see them.

Some photographers like to use abstract photography to show the beauty in everyday things that we might not usually pay attention to. They might take a picture of a rusty old bolt and turn it into a work of art! Other photographers use abstract photography to express emotions or ideas without using words. They might use colors and shapes to create a mood that makes us feel happy, sad, or even a little bit scared.

So abstract photography is basically about taking pictures of things that aren't immediately recognizable, and using that to make art that's both beautiful and interesting. Isn't that cool?