ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Acoustic quieting

Imagine you are playing in a room with lots of toys and your mom is reading a book next to you. If you shout really loudly while playing, your mom might get annoyed and ask you to quiet down. Now imagine that the room is under water and you are a dolphin communicating with your friends. If you make too much noise, it can be hard for your dolphin friends to hear each other and it can even harm sea creatures around you.

Acoustic quieting is like when your mom asks you to quiet down. It's a way to make things quieter so that everyone can communicate without disturbance. But in the ocean, it's a bit trickier. People use special technology to make boats and submarines quieter so that they don't make too much noise and harm sea creatures.

These technologies can include things like sound-absorbing materials, quiet engines, and even careful design to reduce noise. It's kind of like putting foam on the walls to stop sound from bouncing around a room. These technologies make it easier for sea creatures to communicate with each other and stay safe.