ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Adequate remedy

An "adequate remedy" means that when something goes wrong or is done unfairly, there are ways to fix it that are good enough to make things right again. It's like if you were playing with your friend's toy and accidentally broke it, your friend might be sad and upset, but if you say sorry and give them a new toy that they like even more than the old one, then that's an adequate remedy because it fixes the problem and makes your friend happy again. In legal terms, it means that if someone has been wronged or harmed, the law should be able to provide a way to make things better, so that they are compensated for their loss or hurt in a way that is fair and reasonable. This can involve things like getting money, property or other benefits that make up for what was taken away or damaged, and it can also involve getting someone to stop doing something that is harming or bothering you. Basically, an "adequate remedy" is like a way for the law to say "don't worry, we can fix this!" and make things right again.