ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Air France Flight 8969

Once upon a time, there was an airplane called Air France Flight 8969. The airplane was going from Algeria to Paris, but some bad guys decided to take over the plane. They were called terrorists.

The terrorists had guns and they were very scary. They wanted to use the airplane to do bad things. But the passengers and crew didn't want the bad guys to hurt anyone. So, they tried to stay calm and do what the bad guys said.

The airplane flew to many different places, and each time it landed, some passengers were allowed to leave. But the bad guys wouldn't let everyone go. Eventually, the plane ended up in a place called Marseille.

The French police and army came to help, and they made a plan to rescue everyone on the airplane. They sent special forces called GIGN to take back the plane.

GIGN worked very quietly to get onto the airplane and surprise the bad guys. They used special equipment to see and hear what was happening on the airplane. They also practiced the rescue many times before actually doing it.

When they were ready, GIGN jumped onto the airplane and surprised the bad guys. There was a big fight, but the GIGN were able to rescue everyone on the airplane.

Finally, everyone on the airplane was safe and the bad guys were caught. The French police and army were very proud of how they rescued everyone on the airplane.