ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Air Liquide

Air Liquide is a company that makes a special kind of air that can be used for many important things. It's different from the air we breathe, because it's made up of special gases like oxygen, nitrogen and helium.

Air Liquide makes this special air in big factories called air separation units. They use a machine called a distillation column that separates the different gases in the air by cooling them down and turning them into liquids. Then, the liquids are warmed up again and turned back into gas.

This process allows Air Liquide to produce a very pure form of different gases like oxygen that can be used for things like welding, medical treatments or even to help rockets launch into space.

So, in summary, Air Liquide is a special company that makes a special kind of air that people use for important things, and they do it by separating different gases from normal air using special machines.