Do you know that some people have a hard time hearing? They may not be able to hear some sounds or noises like when someone is talking to them. This is called being deaf or hard of hearing.
The Alexander Graham Bell Association is a group of people who help those who are deaf or hard of hearing. They want to make sure that these people can communicate and live their lives just like everyone else.
The association was named after a man named Alexander Graham Bell. He was a scientist who invented something called the telephone. This allowed people to talk to each other even if they were far away from each other.
The association helps people who are deaf or hard of hearing by giving them special tools to help them hear better. They also teach them how to communicate with others using sign language or other ways.
The association also helps families of people who are deaf or hard of hearing. They make sure that these families have the support and resources they need.
Overall, the Alexander Graham Bell Association is a group of people who want to make sure that everyone, including those who are deaf or hard of hearing, have access to the same opportunities and can live their lives to the fullest.