ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alternative DNS root

Okay kiddo, so you know how when you type a website address like "www.google.com" into your computer, it takes you to Google's website? Well, the reason that happens is because your computer uses something called a DNS (Domain Name System) to find the internet address for the website you want to go to.

Now, there's currently a group of people that control the main DNS system, and they decided what website addresses are allowed to exist on the internet. But some people think that this group has too much control and that they should be able to create their own internet address system. This is where the alternative DNS root comes in.

Basically, this is like a different group of people creating their own version of the DNS system. They would decide what website addresses are allowed to exist and people who support this alternative DNS root would use their system instead of the main one. It's kind of like two different phone books, except for internet addresses instead of phone numbers.

Some people think this is a good idea because it would give more freedom and control to different groups of people. But others worry that it could cause confusion and chaos on the internet if there are multiple DNS systems floating around. So, it's a bit of a controversial topic.