ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

American propaganda during World War II

Okay kiddo, so during World War II, the United States wanted to convince its citizens that it was important to support the war effort. They did this by creating something called "propaganda." Propaganda is like showing or telling people things in a certain way to make them believe or feel a certain way about something.

The American government used a lot of different ways to create propaganda. They made posters with catchy sayings and bright colors to make people excited about the war. They also made cartoons and movies that showed how brave and strong American soldiers were. They even created comic books that showed superheroes fighting against the enemy.

They also used radio broadcasts and newspapers to spread information that served their cause. The radio made stories that made people feel sympathetic for the soldiers, and gave advice on how to conserve resources for the war. The newspapers published articles and photos that showed how terrible the enemy was and why the war was so important.

Overall, the purpose of American propaganda during World War II was to convince people that the war was necessary and that supporting the war effort was a patriotic duty. They did all they could to persuade children, adults, and even grandpas and grandmas.