ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Animals in video games

Okay kiddo, have you ever played a video game where you get to control a character that's an animal? Yes? Great!

In video games, people can make characters that are animals, just like in cartoons or movies. These animal characters can be anything like dogs, cats, lions, or even creatures that we have never seen before.

Sometimes these animals can talk like humans or just communicate through noises or expressions. The game designers make them look and behave like real animals. For example, if you are playing a game where you get to control a cat, then that cat might jump on things, meow, scratch things, and have quick reflexes like a real cat.

In some games, animals can be good guys or bad guys. Some games even have animal kingdoms where different animals can be friends or enemies based on their traits.

It's really amazing how video games can bring animals to life and allow us to control them in a virtual world. However, it's important to remember that these animals are just pretend and we should always treat the real animals around us with kindness and respect.