ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Antonio Meucci

Antonio Meucci was a man who lived a long time ago in Italy. He was born in the 1800s and was interested in science and inventing things. One day, he got an idea for something called a telegraph, which would let people talk to each other using electricity.

At the time, there were no phones or texting, so this was a big deal! Meucci worked really hard on his idea and even made a small telegraph machine that worked at his home.

But unfortunately, he didn't have enough money to make his invention bigger and better. So, he tried to get help from other people who might be interested in his telegraph, but they didn't believe in him or his idea.

Eventually, another man named Alexander Graham Bell came up with a similar idea for a phone and was able to get the money and support he needed to make it a reality. Bell is usually credited with inventing the phone, even though Meucci came up with the idea first.

But, we still remember Meucci for his important invention and for having the courage to try something new and different, even when other people didn't believe in him.