Okay kiddo, imagine you have a big circle, like the sun. Inside that big circle, let's divide it into four equal parts, so we have four smaller circles, like pizzas. Now, inside each of those small circles, we divide them into four even smaller circles, then inside each of those, we divide them again and again and again.
After we divide this big circle many times, we end up with a bunch of smaller circles, all different sizes. Now, if we take out all the circles that overlap with the middle circle, we're left with a very special shape called an Apollonian gasket!
It's like a fancy, intricate pattern of circles, and it looks really cool. People like math and art love playing around with this idea and making new versions of the Apollonian gasket.
So, that's an Apollonian gasket! A bunch of circles inside a big circle, all divided into smaller and smaller circles to make a pretty pattern.