ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, kiddo, let me explain what AppScale is. Imagine you have a lot of toys in your room, but they are all over the place and you can't find what you want to play with. AppScale is like a magic box that helps you organize all of your toys neatly so you can easily find them.

In the same way, AppScale helps to organize computer applications, which are a lot like toys for grown-ups. It's like a program that helps put all of the different parts of an application in order so they can work together smoothly. This makes it easier for people to use the application, and it also makes it easier for the people who created it to make changes and improvements.

AppScale lets developers create and run their own apps in lots of different ways, like on their own computers or in the cloud. It's kind of like giving them a big toolbox with lots of different tools so they can build whatever they want.

Overall, AppScale is a tool that helps people make computer applications work better and more efficiently. Just like how organization makes playtime more fun, AppScale makes using applications more enjoyable for everyone involved.