ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Archaeology of religion and ritual

Archaeology of religion and ritual is when people who study old things, called archaeologists, try to understand how ancient people used to practice their religion and perform rituals. Religion is when people believe in something special that they cannot see, like a god or spirit. Rituals are special actions or ceremonies that people do to show respect or honor their beliefs.

Archaeologists find old temples, houses, and objects that people used a long time ago to worship or hold ceremonies. By studying these objects and places, archaeologists can learn what kind of gods or spirits ancient people believed in and how they honored them. They can also figure out how rituals were performed and what kind of offerings were given to the gods or spirits.

For example, if an archaeologist found a temple with many statues of a certain god, they could guess that the ancient people believed in that god very much. If they found a fireplace with burnt offerings nearby, they could guess that the ancient people made offerings to the god by burning things.

In summary, the archaeology of religion and ritual helps us understand how people in the past believed and how they showed respect and honor to their beliefs.