ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Art pop

Art pop is like when you mix together a bunch of different colors and shapes to create a really cool picture that makes you feel things. It's kind of like when you draw with crayons, but instead of just drawing a picture of a cat or a sun, you're trying to make something that's weird and interesting and makes people think.

People who make art pop music are usually really creative and they like to experiment with different sounds and types of music. They might start with something that sounds like a normal pop song, but then they'll add in weird electronic noises or use instruments in a really unusual way.

The words in art pop songs are also really important, and they're often kind of strange or don't make sense at first. But that's okay, because they're meant to make you think and feel different things. Sometimes art pop songs have very deep meanings, and other times they're just kind of fun and silly.

Overall, art pop is like a big, colorful, imaginative music party that encourages you to explore new sounds and ideas.