ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aurora Bank

Aurora Bank is like a big piggy bank where people can save their money. But instead of keeping it in their room or under their bed, they trust Aurora Bank to keep it safe for them.

Now, Aurora Bank has a lot of money from lots of different people, so they use that money to help other people who need to borrow money. For example, someone who wants to buy a house but doesn't have enough money can go to Aurora Bank and ask for a loan. That means Aurora Bank will give them the money they need to buy the house, but the person will have to pay the money back over time with a little extra called interest.

Aurora Bank also helps people save for their future by offering things called savings accounts and certificates of deposit. These are kind of like special piggy banks where people can put their money and let it grow over time. When they need the money later, Aurora Bank will give them back their original money plus a little extra, again called interest.

Overall, Aurora Bank is a place where people can save and borrow money, and they use that money to help make people's dreams come true.