ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bézier form

Imagine that you are drawing a picture with a pencil. When you draw a straight line, you just move the pencil in one direction until you get to the end. But what if you want to draw a curved line or shape? This is where Bézier curves come in.

Bézier curves are a way to make curved lines and shapes on a computer. They were named after a guy named Pierre Bézier who was an engineer at a car company called Renault. He figured out a way to use math to create curves which could be easily used for car design.

A Bézier curve is made up of a series of points called anchor points. Each of these points has a control handle that you can use to change the direction and shape of the curve. When you use these handles to change the curve, it's like bending a piece of wire to make a specific shape.

Now, let's say you want to draw a smiley face. You would start by placing anchor points for the eyes, nose, and mouth. Then, using the control handles, you can adjust the curves and angles of the lines until you have the shape you want. Once you're happy with how it looks, you can "fill in" the area with color or line thickness to complete your drawing.

So, the Bézier form is really just the math behind creating these anchor points and control handles to make a shape or curved line. It allows computers to "understand" how to draw these curves and gives users the ability to easily manipulate them to create the desired shape or design.