ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Battered person syndrome

Battered person syndrome is when someone who is repeatedly hurt or abused by someone they love or trust starts to believe that they deserve to be treated badly.

Let's say there's a person named Sara. Sara's partner John is very mean to her. He calls her names and hits her sometimes. This happens a lot and Sara doesn't know what to do. As time goes on, Sara starts to feel like this is normal or that she deserves it because she's made mistakes or upset John.

This cycle of abuse and manipulation can create a pattern in Sara's behavior and thinking that is hard to break. She might start to feel like she can't make decisions for herself or that she's not good enough. This can make it hard for her to leave John or seek help, even when she knows she should.

It's important to remember that nobody deserves to be treated badly, no matter what they might have done. Battered person syndrome is a very real and serious issue that affects many people. If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, there are resources and people who can help.