ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Being and Event

Okay kiddo, let's imagine that you have a favorite toy. This toy is always with you and makes you feel happy. This toy represents your being - it's who you are and what makes you unique.

Now, let's imagine that you have a birthday party coming up. This party is an event - it's something that's going to happen in the future and it's not always there with you like your toy.

In the same way, being and event are two different things. Being is who you are right now, all the things that make you special and unique, like your favorite toy. An event is something that happens at a certain time and place, like your birthday party.

To put in a more grown-up way, being is the state of existence of something or someone, while an event is a situation that occurs at a specific point in time and has a certain impact on things or people. Both are important in different ways, just like your toy and your birthday party are important to you in different ways.