ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bell, Book, and Candle

Bell, book, and candle is something that people use in a very special and serious kind of ceremony called excommunication. The ceremony is when someone is officially kicked out of the church, and can no longer be part of it.

The bell is a special kind of bell that the person doing the ceremony rings to get everybody's attention. The book is like a really important book that has words in it that everybody has to read together. The candle is a special candle that is lit during the ceremony.

When the ceremony is happening, the person doing it will ring the bell, then everyone will read from the book together, and then the candle will be lit. It's a very serious and important thing that only happens in certain situations.

So, overall, bell, book, and candle is a phrase that refers to a specific kind of ceremony that is used to officially kick someone out of the church.