ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey there kiddo, do you know what a herbicide is? It's like medicine but for plants! It helps kill the weeds in a garden so that the good plants can grow better. Now, a bioherbicide is a special kind of herbicide that is made from natural materials like bacteria, fungi or plants.

It's like having a secret weapon that can only affect the bad weeds but not the good plants. These bioherbicides are made from things that already exist in nature, but they are designed to attack certain weeds without damaging the surrounding environment that we live in. That means it's safe for animals and people to be around it too!

These bioherbicides are also a great alternative to traditional herbicides that can harm the soil, water and air we live in. They are much less harmful and much more eco-friendly. So the next time you see someone working in their garden, they may be using a bioherbicide to get rid of the pesky weeds!