ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bombing of Hamburg in World War II

During a big fight called World War II, a long time ago, some countries were fighting against each other. One of these countries was called Germany. Germany had a very big air force called the Luftwaffe. Not everyone was happy with this, and so many other countries had air forces of their own to fight back.

One day, Germany wanted to attack a city in another country called England. To do this, they flew over to England and dropped bombs on the city. This is called a bombing raid.

The people who were fighting against Germany didn't like this, and decided to do the same thing back to Germany. They chose a city called Hamburg, which was an important place for Germany's war effort. To attack Hamburg, they sent lots of planes filled with bombs. The planes dropped these bombs on the city.

The bombing of Hamburg was very big and very scary. The planes flew over the city at night and dropped thousands of bombs. The bombs made loud noises, shook the ground, and caused lots of fires that spread throughout the buildings. Many people were hurt, and many buildings were destroyed. Some people were able to hide in shelters or basements to stay safe.

The bombing lasted for several days, and eventually, the city was left in ruins. The bombing of Hamburg was a very bad thing, but some people thought it was necessary to help end the war.