ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Boston–Halifax relations

Imagine you have two groups of friends named Boston and Halifax who live in two different cities. Boston is a bigger group and likes to visit Halifax because they have a lot of things in common. They both love seafood and have a rich cultural history.

However, in the past, Boston and Halifax have had some disagreements and even fought with each other. This happened a long time ago and now they are friends again.

In fact, Boston helped Halifax when they had a big problem. A long time ago, there was a big explosion in Halifax. It damaged a lot of houses and injured many people. Boston sent a team of doctors, nurses, and supplies to help Halifax when they needed it most.

Now, Boston and Halifax are very close friends and have a special relationship. They visit each other often and share their love for food, culture, and history. They also help each other out when they need it.