ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Brauner space

Brauner space is a type of space that is named after a mathematician named Carl Brauner. Brauner space is a special kind of space where you can do some cool math stuff.

Imagine you have a piece of paper with a bunch of dots on it. These dots are points in a space, just like your nose, ears, and hands are points on your body. But instead of being in a regular space like your room, these dots are in a special kind of space called Brauner space.

In Brauner space, you can do some special things with them that you can't do in regular space. For example, imagine you have two dots on your paper. In regular space, you can only connect them with a straight line. But in Brauner space, you can connect them with a curve!

This might not sound like a big deal, but it can actually help us solve some really complicated math problems. Scientists and mathematicians use Brauner space to study some really cool stuff like the patterns in music and how stars form in space.

So in summary, Brauner space is a special type of space where you can do some really neat math things. Think of it like a playground for mathematicians to explore and solve problems.
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