ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bronze Age Europe

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about Bronze Age Europe! This was a time a long, long time ago, when people had just started learning how to make things out of bronze.

Bronze is a type of metal that is made by melting copper and adding tin to it. This made a much stronger and more durable metal than what people had been using before.

In Europe, people in different places were starting to figure out how to use bronze, but they weren't all doing it at the same time. Some places, like Greece and Italy, started using bronze around 2000 BCE. Other places, like Britain and Scandinavia, didn't start using it until much later around 1600 BCE.

With this new metal, people could make all sorts of things like better weapons, tools for farming, and even beautiful jewelry. They also started trading bronze with each other, which helped them get better at making it and connecting with other cultures.

During this time, people also started living in bigger communities and building things like forts and walled cities. They also started burying important people in big tombs with lots of treasures like bronze weapons and jewelry.

The Bronze Age lasted for a few hundred years and was a really important time in human history. It helped people make better things and live in bigger communities, which set the stage for even more advancements in the future.