ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Bupropion is a medicine that helps people who are having a hard time feeling happy or motivated. It's like a little helper that goes into your body and helps make some chemicals in your brain work better. These chemicals are called neurotransmitters, and they help messages travel from one part of your brain to another.

When you're feeling down or lacking energy, it might be because these neurotransmitters aren't doing their job right. Bupropion helps get them back on track so you can start feeling better.

It's very important to take this medicine exactly how your doctor tells you to. They will give you the right dose and tell you when to take it. You might feel better right away, but it can take a few weeks to really start working well.

Some people worry that taking medicine like this means there's something wrong with them or that they should be able to feel better on their own. But that's not true. Just like it's okay to get help with homework or a big project, it's okay to get help feeling better if you need it. And remember, everyone needs a little help sometimes.