ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So, imagine you have a toy box full of different toys. Each toy is made in different ways and has its own special abilities. Now, imagine you also have a friend who wants to play with those toys, but they don't know how to use all of them.

That's kind of like programming languages. There are different programming languages, like C++, that are used to make software and websites. Just like how different toys have different ways to play with them, programming languages have different ways to write code.

Now, C++ is one of those programming languages that has been around for a long time. It has lots of different tools and features that programmers can use to make their code do different things. Just like how you might use certain toys for different games or activities.

But, over time, people have found ways to make C++ even better. So, they made new versions of it, kind of like how there might be different versions of a toy. The latest version is called C++14.

C++14 has some new features that make it easier and faster for programmers to write code. Some of these features might seem complicated if you're not a programmer, but they basically help people write code more efficiently and with fewer mistakes.

So, to sum it up: C++14 is a computer language that lets people write software and websites. It has some new features that make it easier and faster for people to write code. Think of it like a toy box full of different toys, but for programming instead of playing.