ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Caffeinated alcoholic drinks

Caffeinated alcoholic drinks are drinks that have two things in them: caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine is a thing that is in things like coffee and energy drinks that can make you feel awake and alert. Alcohol is a thing that is in drinks like beer and wine that can make you feel sleepy and drunk.

When you put caffeine and alcohol together, it can be really dangerous. That's because caffeine can make you feel like you're not as drunk as you really are. So, you might drink more and more, even though you're already really drunk. This can be really bad for your body and your brain.

Some people think that caffeinated alcoholic drinks are fun because they can make you feel both awake and drunk at the same time. But they are not safe to drink. If you want to be safe and healthy, it's best to stick to drinks that only have one thing in them, like water or juice.
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