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Cary Collection of Playing Cards

Have you ever played cards with your friends or family? Well, imagine someone who loves playing cards so much that they have collected a lot of different kinds of cards from all over the world! That's what the Cary Collection of Playing Cards is all about.

The Cary Collection is a really big collection of playing cards that were all owned by one man named William S. Cary. He loved playing cards and he wanted to find all the different kinds of cards that people have made throughout history. So he started collecting them!

The collection has cards that are hundreds of years old, and some that were made just a few years ago. Some of them are really beautiful and have pictures of famous people or places on them, while others are just plain cards with different shapes and colors.

There are even some cards in the collection that were used in magic tricks! You know how magicians do tricks with cards? Well, some of those cards are in the Cary Collection.

Overall, the Cary Collection of Playing Cards is a really special place where people can go to see all the different kinds of cards that have been made over the years. It's like a big treasure trove of card games!