ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese pagoda

A Chinese pagoda is a tall, skinny building with many levels, like a tower but with a funny roof. You know how when you make a hat out of paper, you can fold the edges up and they make a pointy shape? That's kind of what a pagoda's roof looks like, except with more than one layer of points.

People in China built pagodas a long time ago, more than 1,000 years ago! They were used for all sorts of things, but mostly as a place to keep important things and keep them safe. Sometimes they had religious stuff inside, like statues or scriptures, and sometimes they had valuable items like jewels or money.

Pagodas were also used as a way for people to get up high and see things from far away. China is a really big place with lots of mountains and hills, and if you're up high, you can see really far! Pagodas could sometimes be seen from far away too, because they were so tall and skinny.

Nowadays, people in China still have pagodas, but they might be used more as a tourist attraction or a landmark. They might have gardens or parks around them, and people can come and visit and take pictures. They're really pretty and interesting to look at!