ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chowla–Mordell theorem

The Chowla-Mordell Theorem is a fancy math idea that helps us understand how to solve certain types of problems.

Think of a triangle - it has three sides, and if we know the length of two of the sides, we can figure out the length of the third side using a special formula called the Pythagorean Theorem.

Now imagine we have a special type of shape called an elliptic curve, which is kind of like a squished circle. These curves also have something called "rational points", which means that if we draw a line through any two of these points on the curve, the line will hit a third rational point.

The Chowla-Mordell Theorem helps us understand how many rational points there can be on an elliptic curve. It tells us that for certain types of elliptic curves, the number of rational points is finite, which means we can count them all.

This might not seem like a big deal, but it's actually really important for things like cryptography (keeping information secure on the internet) and number theory (studying the properties of numbers).

So, in summary: the Chowla-Mordell Theorem explains how many rational points there can be on a special type of shape called an elliptic curve, which is important for math and computer science.