ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Christmas Tree EXEC

A Christmas tree exec is someone who is in charge of decorating a big tree for Christmas, usually in a public or commercial space like a mall or a city square. They have the fun job of making the tree look absolutely magical with lots of lights, colorful ornaments, and other decorations.

Before they start decorating, they need to carefully plan out how the tree will look. They might choose a theme or color scheme, and decide where to hang different types of decorations.

Once they have a plan, they get to work hanging the lights and ornaments on the tree. This can be tricky, because they need to make sure everything is balanced and evenly spaced.

Finally, when everything is in place, they step back and admire their handiwork. The Christmas tree exec knows that their hard work will bring joy to many people during the holiday season.