ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Circle of competence

Imagine you have a special circle that only you can step inside. This circle is called your circle of competence. It's like your own personal area of expertise.

Inside your circle of competence, you know a lot about certain things. Maybe you're really good at playing soccer or video games. Or maybe you know a lot about animals or space. Whatever it is, you feel confident and comfortable talking about it and making decisions related to it.

But outside of your circle of competence, things can get a little trickier. You might not know as much or feel as confident about certain things. It's like you're stepping into someone else's circle where they know more than you do.

So it's important to know where your circle of competence lies so you can make smart decisions and stay in your comfort zone. If you step outside your circle of competence, it's okay to learn and explore new things, but you should still be careful and not make important decisions without the right knowledge and guidance.