ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Citizen Weather Observer Program

Hey kiddo! Do you know what the weather is outside? It's sunny and warm, right? But did you know that there are people who help scientists learn more about the weather by becoming Citizen Weather Observers?

A Citizen Weather Observer is someone who helps collect information about the weather like how much rain fell or how fast the wind is blowing. They use special tools like rain gauges and anemometers to make these measurements.

These observations are sent to scientists who use the information to create weather forecasts and track changes in weather patterns over time.

By becoming a Citizen Weather Observer, you're helping scientists learn more about the weather so they can help keep people safe from things like floods, hurricanes and snowstorms. It's kind of like being a superhero!

So, if you ever want to be a part of helping people stay safe from bad weather, being a Citizen Weather Observer is a really cool way to do it!