ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Classroom pet

A classroom pet is like having a friend in class, but it's not a human friend, it's an animal friend! The teacher or school may bring in a pet to be a part of the class. Some common classroom pets are fish, hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, turtles, and even lizards!

The classroom pet stays in a special house or cage inside the classroom, and the teacher takes care of it by giving it food, water, and cleaning its home. Sometimes, the students can help by feeding it, cleaning the cage, or even playing with it during recess.

Having a classroom pet can teach kids about responsibility, caring for animals, and science! They can learn about what kind of food the pet likes to eat, how it moves, and how it grows. Plus, having a furry or scaly friend around may make learning even more exciting!