ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Club des Hashischins

The club des hashischins was a group of people who liked to try a drug called hashish. Hashish is a substance made from cannabis plants and it can change the way you feel and see things.

The club was started in France a long time ago, in the 19th century. The people in the club would get together and take turns trying hashish. They would then talk about how it made them feel and what they saw.

The club was very secretive and only certain people were allowed to join. They would have special ceremonies where they would take the hashish and then talk about their experiences.

Some famous people were said to be part of the club, like the artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and the writer Charles Baudelaire.

Today, people still use hashish and talk about how it makes them feel. But the club des hashischins is no longer around.