Okay kiddo, imagine you have a cool superhero friend named Logarithm. He helps you with math problems and makes them easier to solve. But sometimes, his friend Cologarithm comes to help too.
Cologarithm is like Logarithm's sidekick. They work together to make things better. When you have a math problem that involves multiplication or division, Logarithm can help you turn it into addition or subtraction. This makes it easier to solve.
But sometimes, you have a problem that involves addition or subtraction. This is where Cologarithm comes in. He can help you turn it into multiplication or division. This makes it easier to solve too.
So, if Logarithm is Batman, then Cologarithm is Robin. They work together to make math problems easier to solve. And that's what cologarithm is all about. It's like a superhero sidekick for logarithm.