ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Computer-supported collaboration

Computer-supported collaboration means people working together using technology to communicate and complete tasks, even if they are not in the same place.

Think about when you play a game with your friends on a tablet - you are collaborating with them, even if you're playing from different places. Computer-supported collaboration is just like that, but for grown-ups who work together.

For example, imagine you need to work on a project with your classmates, but you can't meet in person. You can use tools like video conferencing or virtual whiteboards to talk and share ideas. Or, let's say your mom and dad work in different offices, but they need to work together on a project at work. They can use computer-supported collaboration tools to share documents and work on them together, even though they are in different places.

There are many different kinds of computer-supported collaboration tools, like messaging apps, video conferencing software, file-sharing platforms, project management software, and more. They all work to help people work together despite physical barriers.