ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Concurrent Versions System

Have you ever played a game with your friends where you all have to work together to build something? Let's pretend you're building a tower out of blocks.

Now, let's say one friend starts building one part of the tower while another friend builds a different part. You're interested in both parts but you can only look at one at a time. So you decide to write down what you see in each part so you don't forget anything.

This is kind of like what a concurrent versions system, or CVS for short, does. CVS is like a notebook that keeps track of all the changes made to a file or project.

Imagine you and your friends are using a computer program to build a digital version of the same tower. CVS would make sure everyone's changes are saved and organized so you can work together without getting in each other's way.

CVS is a helpful tool for people who work on the same project because it keeps everything organized and prevents people from accidentally deleting important work. It's like having a really organized notebook for a really important project.
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