ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Configuration file

A configuration file is like a list of instructions that tells a computer program what to do. Think of it like a recipe card that tells you how to make your favorite food.

The configuration file is usually a text file that contains a bunch of different settings that the program can understand. These settings can control things like the program's appearance, how it runs, and what it does when certain things happen.

For example, let's say you have a game on your computer that you like to play. The configuration file for that game might have settings that control things like the graphics quality, the sound effects, and the keyboard shortcuts.

When you open the game, it reads the configuration file and uses those settings to know how to behave. Just like when you follow a recipe card, you know what temperature to set the oven to and how long to bake something for.

Configuration files can be really helpful because they allow you to customize how a program works to your personal preferences. They can also be really confusing because they often use technical language and can be hard to read. But overall, configuration files just help programs know how to do their job in the way that you want them to.
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