ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Controversies surrounding the eurozone crisis

Alright, alright kiddo. So, you remember how we talked about money and how it works? Well, some countries in Europe share the same money called the Euro. But, some of these countries were borrowing a lot of money and they couldn't pay it back. This made their economy really weak and lots of people lost their jobs.

Now, the countries that were doing well with their money, like Germany, wanted to help the struggling countries. But, they didn't want to just give them free money because then those countries wouldn't learn how to manage their own finances.

So, they made a plan called austerity measures. This means that the struggling countries had to cut their spending on things like healthcare, education, and pensions for older people. This made a lot of people really upset because they felt like they were paying for the mistakes of their government.

Then, there were also disagreements on how to fix the problem. Some people thought that the struggling countries should just leave the Euro and go back to their own money. But, that would cause even more problems because their own money would be worth a lot less than the Euro.

So, basically, there are disagreements on how to fix the problem, who is responsible for the problem, and who should pay to fix the problem. It's like if you and your friends were playing a game and someone broke the rules, but you all had to figure out how to make it fair again.