ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cosmic Man

Well, little one, a cosmic man is a concept in many different cultures that basically means a person who represents the universe or the cosmos. This person is often seen as very powerful and wise and has a lot of knowledge about how the world works.

In some traditions, cosmic man is seen as a creator figure, responsible for shaping the entire universe as we know it. He is often depicted as a giant or a giant-like figure, with many different parts of the universe coming out of his body. Sometimes people also call this cosmic man a "cosmic egg" because they imagine the universe emerging from an egg-like shape.

People have been thinking about cosmic men and this idea of a creator figure for a really long time, ever since humans first started wondering about how the world came to be. Even today, some people believe in cosmic men or similar ideas, while others prefer to think about the universe in other ways.
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