ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Covenant of Umar I

Ok kiddo, so a long time ago in the 7th century, a Muslim leader named Umar made some rules about how non-Muslims should be treated in Muslim lands. This list of rules is called the Covenant of Umar.

The Covenant said that non-Muslims could practice their own religion, but they couldn't do it in public or try to convert other people to their religion. They also had to pay a special tax called the jizya that Muslim people didn't have to pay.

There were some other rules too, like non-Muslims weren't allowed to build new places of worship or repair old ones that were falling apart. They also had to show respect to Muslim people and not insult them or try to harm them.

Some people criticize the Covenant of Umar because it seems like non-Muslims were being treated unfairly, but others say that it was an important step towards religious tolerance and keeping peace between different groups of people.

In any case, the Covenant of Umar has been an important document in Islamic history and has had an impact on how Muslims and non-Muslims interact with each other to this day.