ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Criticism of Mormon sacred texts

Okay kiddo, you know how when we read stories or books, sometimes we like them and other times we don't? It's the same with the sacred texts of the Mormon church. Some people don't believe they are true, and think there are things in them that are not good or accurate.

A lot of the criticism revolves around the Book of Mormon, which is a holy book for the Mormon religion. Some people don't think it was really translated by a man named Joseph Smith like the church teaches. They also question some of the stories in the book, like whether the ancient American people it talks about really existed.

Others criticize the Mormon church's other sacred texts, like the Doctrine and Covenants, for having teachings that some people find troubling. For example, some people don't like that the texts speak against LGBTQ+ relationships or don't support women having leadership positions in the church.

Overall, it's important to remember that people have different beliefs and opinions, and it's okay to question things and form your own conclusions.