ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Crop destruction

Okay kiddo, so sometimes farmers need to get rid of their crops before they are fully grown or ready to be harvested. This is called crop destruction. It might seem strange, but there are a few reasons why farmers might need to do this.

One reason is if there is disease or insects that have infected the crops. Just like how we get sick and need medicine, crops can also get sick and sometimes the only way to stop the disease from spreading is to get rid of the infected plants. This helps make sure that the rest of the crops stay healthy.

Another reason is if the crops were planted in the wrong place or at the wrong time. If they won't get enough sunlight or water, or if the weather is too extreme, they might not be able to grow properly. In this case, it's better to get rid of them so the farmer can plant new crops that will have a better chance of growing well.

Sometimes, crop destruction can also happen because there's just too much of a certain crop. This is called overproduction. If there's so much of a crop that there isn't enough demand for it or nowhere to store it, farmers might have to get rid of some of it.

But don't worry, crop destruction doesn't mean that all the crops are being wasted. Sometimes the crops can be used for things like animal feed or compost, which can help other plants grow. So even though it might seem sad to get rid of crops, it can actually help make sure that the rest of the crops are healthy and have a better chance of growing well.