ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Crucifixion darkness

When people talk about "crucifixion darkness," they mean a time when the sky got very dark during Jesus Christ's crucifixion.

Now, let's talk about what a crucifixion is. A long time ago, Jesus was arrested by some people who didn't like him. They put him on a cross made of wood and left him there until he died. It was a really painful and sad thing to happen, but it's an important part of Jesus's story.

During this time, the sky got really dark – so dark that it seemed like nighttime even though it was actually the middle of the day. Some people think that this darkness was a sign from God that something important was happening. Others think that it might have just been a natural phenomenon, like a cloud covering the sun.

Either way, the story of the crucifixion darkness is a reminder of how special Jesus was and how much people cared about him. It's an important part of Christian history, and many people remember it every year during the holiday of Good Friday.