ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, imagine you have a special book that tells you what to do every day. It might say things like "brush your teeth" or "put away your toys". These are the things you need to do every day, just like your parents tell you, to stay healthy and happy.

Now, some grown-ups also have a special book like this for their video games. These books are called "dailies". In a video game, there are special tasks that you can do every day to get rewards like extra points or cool items. These tasks are called "daily quests" or "dailies" for short.

Just like how you need to brush your teeth every day so your teeth stay healthy, players in a video game need to do their dailies every day to get stronger and better in the game. It's like a little bit of exercise for their game characters.

So, dailies are just like the things you do every day in real life, but instead, they are special tasks that you do in a video game to keep getting better and better.